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Alarm commands and queries

Two main commands:- alarm and alarms

See also


<playerid> alarm <add|update|delete|enableall|disableall|defaultvolume> <taggedParameters>

The alarm command allows to manipulate player alarms.

Accepted tagged parameters:

Tag Description
id The id of an existing alarm. This value is mandatory unless you add a new alarm.
dow Day Of Week. 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc. up to 6 being Saturday. You can define a group of days by concatenating them with , as separator. Default: 0-6.
dowAdd Add a single day of the week to the alarm list This takes precendence over anything sent in the dow tag.
dowDel Removes a single day (0-6) of the week from the alarm list This takes precendence over anything sent in the dow tag.
enabled 1 if the alarm is enabled. Default: 0.
repeat 1 if the alarm repeats. Default: 1.
time Time of the alarm, in seconds from midnight. Mandatory when add command is issued.
volume Mixer volume of the alarm.
Default: use the default volume for alarms. Mandatory when defaultvolume command is issued.
url (or playlisturl) URL of the alarm playlist.
Default: the current playlist.
url should be a valid LMS audio url.
The special value 0 means the current playlist.
You can also use these URLs which trigger various flavours of random play:-

See also "favorites items". CLARIFICATION-NEEDED

Returned tagged parameters:

Tag Description
id The id of the newly created or edited alarm.


Defining a new alarm

Request: "bd:a5:a9:9b:9d:df alarm add dow:1 enabled:1 playlist:file://some/playlist.m3u time:9000<LF>"
Response: "bd:a5:a9:9b:9d:df alarm add dow:1 enabled:1 playlist:file://some/playlist.m3u time:9000 id:eaf39<LF>"

Deleting an alarm

Request: "bd:a5:a9:9b:9d:df alarm delete id:eaf39<LF>"
Response: "bd:a5:a9:9b:9d:df alarm delete id:eaf39<LF>"

Enabling a previously defined alarm for Mo-Fr

Request: "bd:a5:a9:9b:9d:df alarm update id:eaf39 dow:1,2,3,4,5 enabled:1<LF>"
Response: "bd:a5:a9:9b:9d:df alarm update id:eaf39 dow:1,2,3,4,5 enabled:1 count:1 <LF>"

alarm playlists

alarm playlists

The alarm playlists returns all the playlists, sounds, favorites etc. available to alarms.

Returned tagged parameters:

Block Tag Description
First block:
Count The number of items available
For each playlist:
title The item's name or title
category The category under which the item is grouped (eg. Favorites, Natural Sounds etc.)
url The item's URL, or the empty value as a placeholder for the current playlist.
singleton 1 if the item is the only one in its category, or 0 if there's more than one item.


Request: "alarm playlists 0 3<LF>"
Response: "alarm playlists 0 100 category:The current playlist
title:Use Current Playlist url: singleton:1 category:Favorites
title:Random%20Artists url:randomplay://contributor singleton:0 category:Favorites
title:Random%20Tracks url:randomplay://track singleton:0 count:29 <LF>"


<playerid> alarms <start> <itemsPerResponse> <taggedParameters>

The alarms query returns information about player alarms. <start> is the indexid of the first player to be reported on (eg 0, 1, 2), while <itemsPerResponse> is the numbers of players whose information will be returned.

Accepted tagged parameters:

Tag Description
dow If present, the query returns information about this Day Of Week only. Note this takes precedence over any filter parameter. 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc. up to 6 being Saturday.
filter Two possible values:
all returns all alarms,
enabled returns just those alarms which are enabled.

Returned tagged parameters:

Block Preference Description
First block:
fade 1 if the alarms fade in.
count Number of alarms returned, based on the filters above.
For each alarm:
id The alarm's ID.
dow Days Of Week of this alarm.
enabled 1 if the alarm is enabled.
repeat 1 if the alarm is repeated.
shufflemode 0 if off, 1 for songs, 2 for albums.
time The time for this alarm.
volume Mixer volume of the alarm.
url URL of track or playlist to be played.


Request: "bd:a5:a9:9b:9d:df alarms 0 3<LF>"
Response: "bd:a5:a9:9b:9d:df alarms 0 3 count:2 fade:0
dow:1 enabled:1 time:3600 volume:50 url:randomplay://track
dow:5 enabled:1 time:81000 volume:77 playlist url:file:///Volumes/Smurf/playlists/Playlists/AAA.m3u <LF>"

Additionally, the following player preferences control the operation of the alarm and can be set/queried using the playerpref command.

This command is described more fully in the Players page. Jump to playerpref under Players

Preference Description
(note the case!)
Whether alarms should fade in on this player. Despite the name, this preference is only a boolean and does not control the number of seconds over which alarms fade in. Set to 0 to disable fading; 1 to enable it.
alarmTimeoutSeconds The number of seconds that an alarm will play for before being automatically stopped. Set to 0 to disable the automatic timeout.
alarmSnoozeSeconds The number of seconds that a snooze will last for.
alarmsEnabled Whether any alarm can sound on this player. Set to 0 to prevent any alarm from sounding; 1 to allow them to sound.
alarmDefaultVolume The volume level (0-100) at which alarms will sound unless they have their own volume specifically set (see alarm volume).