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Favorites commands and queries

favorites items

favorites items <start> <itemsPerResponse> <taggedParameters>

The favorites items query returns all server favorites.

Accepted tagged parameters:

Tag Description
item_id The id of a favorite to be returned. The id represents the hierarchical structure of the file using a dotted syntax similar to the one used in SNMP, like eg.
search When a list of items is to be returned, it can be filtered by its name or title.
want_url If set to 1, urls are returned by the query, otherwise they aren't.
feedMode If set to 1, the entire nested hierarchy of favorites is returned. In this case, the type will be opml and the nested sub-items will be in each level's items array.

Returned tagged parameters:

Block Tag Description
First block:
count The number of items available at the selected level.
For each element:
id An item's hierarchical id. Item delimiter.
name An item's (favorite or folder) name.
hasitems Whether or not an item has sub-items. May indicate the number of sub-items.
url URL of the station or track (only returned if parameter want_url is set to 1). Although, the station can be played using the playlist play command, an equivalent command that operates on the id is provided below.

favorites exists

favorites exists <id | url>

The favorites exists command is used to check whether a given track ID or URL exists in favorites.

Returned tagged parameters:

Tag Description
exists Returned with value 1 if the ID or URL exists in favorites.
index If exists is 1, the index of the ID or URL in favorites.


Request: "favorites exists file:///... <LF>"
Response: "favorites exists file:///... exists:1 index:5<LF>"

favorites add

favorites add <taggedParameters>

The favorites add command adds a favorite.

Accepted tagged parameters:

Tag Description
item_id The id of a favorite to be inserted. The id represents the hierarchical structure of the file using a dotted syntax similar to the one used in SNMP, like eg.
Room is made to accommodate the new favorite. If no item_id is provided, the favorite is added at position 0.
title Favorite title (mandatory)
url Favorite url (mandatory)
icon Optional URL to an icon to be used with this favorite.

Returned tagged parameters:

Tag Description
count Returned with value 1 if adding the favorite was successful.


Request: "favorites add url:file:///... title:BestSong<LF>"
Response: "favorites add url:file:///... title:BestSong

favorites addlevel

favorites addlevel <taggedParameters> The favorites addlevel command adds a favorite level (a folder).

Accepted tagged parameters:

Tag Description
item_id The id of a level to be inserted. The id represents the hierarchical structure of the level using a dotted syntax similar to the one used in SNMP, like eg.
Room is made to accommodate the new level. If no item_id is provided, the level is added at position 0.
title Level title (mandatory)

Returned tagged parameters:

Tag Description
count Returned with value 1 if adding the level was successful.


 Request: "favorites addlevel title:Favourites<LF>"
 Response: "favorites addlevel title:Favourites count:1<LF>"

favorites delete

favorites delete <taggedParameters>

The favorites delete command deletes a favorite or a level.

Accepted tagged parameters:

Tag Description
item_id The id of a favorite or level to be deleted. The id represents the hierarchical structure of the file using a dotted syntax similar to the one used in SNMP, like eg.
This parameter is mandatory.


Request: "favorites delete item_id:<LF>"
Response: "favorites delete item_id:<LF>"

favorites rename

favorites rename <taggedParameters>

The favorites rename command renames a favorite or a level.

Accepted tagged parameters:

Tag Description
item_id The id of a favorite or level to be renamed. The id represents the hierarchical structure of the file using a dotted syntax similar to the one used in SNMP, like eg.
This parameter is mandatory.
title The new title to rename this item to. This parameter is mandatory.


Request: "favorites rename item_id: title:NewTitle<LF>"
Response: "favorites rename item_id: title:NewTitle<LF>"

favorites move

favorites move <taggedParameters>

The favorites move command moves a favorite or a level.

Accepted tagged parameters:

Tag Description
from_id The id of a favorite or level to be moved. The id represents the hierarchical structure of the file using a dotted syntax similar to the one used in SNMP, like eg.
This parameter is mandatory.
to_id The id to move the favorite or level to. The id represents the hierarchical structure of the file using a dotted syntax similar to the one used in SNMP, like eg.
This parameter is mandatory.


Request: "favorites move from_id: to_id:<LF>"
Response: "favorites move from_id: to_id:<LF>"

favorites playlist

<playerid> favorites playlist <play|load|insert|add> <taggedParameters>

This command adds or plays a favorite. If item_id defines an item that can't be played, but contains playable subitems, then these will be played instead. This allows to eg. play all tracks of a genre.

Accepted tagged parameters:

Tag Description
item_id The id of an item to be played. The id represents the hierarchical structure of the file using a dotted syntax similar to the one used in SNMP, like eg.


Request: "6e:ef:54:e9:02:b0 favorites playlist play item_id:1.1<LF>"
Response: "6e:ef:54:e9:02:b0 favorites playlist play item_id:1.1<LF>"